Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breast Cancer Awareness October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annually campaign to raise awareness of this disease.Yet, for many, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is also a difficult reminder of their personal experience with breast cancer and the many patients we have lost to this disease. As of 2020, there were 2.26 million worldwide cases of breast […]
Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors in Soft Tissue Sarcomas treatment Sarcomas are a group of rare mesenchymal malignant cancers which arise from transformed cells of the mesenchymal connective tissue, and are challenging to be treated. The majority of sarcomas are soft tissue sarcomas (STSs; 75%) and this heterogeneous group of tumors is further comprised of gastrointestinal […]
Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Advances of Targeted Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is categorized as one of the common and fatal malignancies, which is an important global health problem. The clinical applicability of traditional surgery and other loco-regional therapies is limited, and these therapeutic strategies are far from satisfactory in improving the outcomes of advanced HCC. Through […]
JAK inhibitors As a New Therapeutic Option
Introduction The JAK/STAT signaling pathway is an universally expressed intracellular signal transduction pathway; involved in many crucial biological roles, including cell differentiation, proliferation, and apoptosis, and immune regulation; it provides a direct mechanism for extracellular factors-regulated gene expression. Current studies on this pathway have been focusing on the inflammatory and neoplastic diseases and related therapy. […]
Tofacitinib the first FDA approved JAK inhibitor
An overview of Tofacitinib, the first FDA approved JAK inhibitor, and its Indications Introduction Tofacitinib is a type of drug known as Janus kinase JAK inhibitor. Tofacitinib is a small molecule, not a protein; therefore, causing the formation of neutralizing anti-drug antibodies related to therapeutic proteins, and immunogenicity is not expected to occur. It works by […]
Melonama Monday, May Is Melanoma
Melonama Monday, May Is Melanoma Awareness Month It is Good to Know about the Dark Side of the Sun Melonama Skin cancer, including melanoma as well basal and squamous cell carcinomas, is the most common cancer type.The rates of melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, have been rising for the past few decades.Melanoma […]
Benefits of Crizotinib in Advanced NSCLC
Benefits of Crizotinib in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Abstract: Non-small-cell lung cancer has poor prognosis and low survival rates, providing a strong rationale for the development of new treatment strategies. Advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) Patients have few effective treatment options, only about a third of these patients experience tumor shrinkage with standard […]
The Clinical Efficacy of Combinatorial Therapy of EGFR-TKI and Crizotinib in Overcoming MET amplification-mediated Resistance Abstract Treatment of non-small cell lung cancer harboring epidermal growth factor receptor activating mutation with EGFR-TKIs has achieved great success, yet faces the development of acquired resistance as the biggest obstacle to long-period disease remission in the clinic. MET or c-MET gene amplification has […]
Overview of Thyroid Cancer
Targeted therapies used in the Treatment of Thyroid Cancer Introduction Thyroid cancer is a rare type of cancer that affects the thyroid gland; it might not cause any symptoms at first. But as it progreses, the signs and symptoms get appeared, including swelling in your neck, difficulty swallowing, and voice changes. There are four main types […]
Mantle Cell Lymphoma
Recent Results Show ibrutinib-Based Combination Regimen Significantly Reduced the Risk of Disease Progression or Death in Older Patients with Newly Diagnosed Mantle Cell Lymphoma The Janssen Pharmaceutical Company today announced primary results from the Phase 3 SHINE study, which demonstrated that the combination of once-daily oral ibrutinib plus bendamustine-rituximab (BR) and rituximab maintenance significantly […]