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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Global Day Annually the International ALS/MND Associations celebrates 21 June as the global day of recognition of ALS/MND, a disease that affects people in every country of the world. ALS/MND is a global problem. It doesn’t discriminate on the basis of ethnicity or region, there are patients all over the world. For every […]

Hepatocellular carcinoma

Hepatocellular carcinoma

  Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) Liver cancer is a global health challenge, with an estimated incidence of >1 million patients by 2025. Primary liver cancer is one that started in the liver. There are 5 main types. The type of liver cancer depends on the cell type that the cancer started in. If cancer began somewhere else […]

WHO Backs Molnupiravir for High-Risk Covid-19 Patients


  The ninth update of WHO’s guideline on COVID-19 therapeutics includes a conditional recommendation on molnupiravir, a new antiviral medicine. This is the first oral antiviral medicine which is included in the treatment guidelines for COVID-19, as this is a new medicine, there is little safety information; WHO recommends active monitoring for drug safety, along […]

Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs)


Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Used in Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) Introduction A gastrointestinal stromal tumor is a rare cancer, which are often found during an endoscopy or CT scan for an unrelated reasons. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) start in special cells in the wall of the gastrointestinal tract. GISTs start in very early types of special […]

Role of Direct Factor Xa inhibitors in Cardiovascular Events

Introduction Direct Factor Xa inhibitors are a type of anticoagulant drugs which act by binding selectively and reversibly to the clotting factor Xa. Factor Xa plays an important role in the blood clotting mechanism. When an injury occurred, they forming a mesh to prevent loss of blood. However, clots can form within the body and cause blockages in the veins, arteries, […]

Benefits of Direct Factor Xa inhibitors over Warfarin

Direct Factor Xa inhibitors

Benefits of Direct Factor Xa inhibitors over Warfarin Introduction Compared to vitamin K antagonists (VKAs), these target-specific drugs have a fixed dosing with no need for international normalized ratio (INR) monitoring, a wider therapeutic index, rapid onset and short half-lives, and few drug and food interactions, so you may not need to take blood tests […]

JAK inhibitors As a New Therapeutic Option

JAK inhibitors

Introduction The JAK/STAT signaling pathway is an universally expressed intracellular signal transduction pathway; involved in many crucial biological roles, including cell differentiation, proliferation, and apoptosis, and immune regulation; it provides a direct mechanism for extracellular factors-regulated gene expression. Current studies on this pathway have been focusing on the inflammatory and neoplastic diseases and related therapy. […]

Tofacitinib the first FDA approved JAK inhibitor

JAK inhibitor

An overview of Tofacitinib, the first FDA approved JAK inhibitor, and its Indications Introduction Tofacitinib is a type of drug known as Janus kinase JAK inhibitor. Tofacitinib is a small molecule, not a protein; therefore, causing the formation of neutralizing anti-drug antibodies related to therapeutic proteins, and immunogenicity is not expected to occur. It works by […]

increase Risk of Developing Diabetes

Risk of Developing Diabetes

  COVID-19 infection even mild ones may increase Risk of Developing Diabetes A recent study followed people with mild COVID-19 to analyze whether or not they had an increased risk of developing diabetes. As a sway, they also tracked individuals with an acute upper respiratory tract infection (AURI). The researchers concluded that individuals with mild […]

Benefits of lenalidomide in hematological malignancies

Abstract Lenalidomide is an immunomodulatory drug, which has effect against most of the hematological malignancies. Apart from its immunomodulation, it has other properties such as anti-proliferation and anti-angiogenesis. It is not only effective in myeloma and myelodysplastic syndromes, recent studies show its effectiveness on newly diagnosed and relapsed/refractory lymphomas as well. Addition of lenalidomide to […]